Design and Implementation of Blockchain-Based Office Attendance System
Blockchain, Data Security, Attendance System, Information SystemAbstract
The office attendance system has shifted from using physical forms to digital inputs to minimize data errors and data loss when taking attendance. Unfortunately, digital systems generally still use traditional databases where the admin's role is crucial, and there is potential for fraud (e.g., admitting attendance of a non-attending person or manipulating a targeted person’s log due to personal grudges, competition, or other reasons) if the admin is dishonest. In this paper, we propose Absenin, a blockchain-based office attendance system, which replaces the role of traditional databases with blockchain and smart contracts to make it secure from malicious admins and fair for other participants. We create an Attendance Smart Contract that will run on the Ethereum blockchain. Admins and employees will interact with this smart contract to carry out attendance system operations. Absenin is also designed to have real-time attendance data, but the attendance machine does not need to be connected to the Internet, which is a unique feature of our system that no previous works have attempted. Despite using blockchain and smart contracts, our evaluation results show that Absenin is able to produce relatively small processing delays, and gas usage on the blockchain is still far below the gas limit of the Ethereum mainnet. Therefore, we can assure that the system is feasible and can be applied to organizations with a scale of thousands, tens, or hundreds of thousands of employees.
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