Vol. 9 No. 1 (2020): Juli 2020

Teknika (ISSN 2549-8037, EISSN 2549-8045) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, published semiannually in July and November by the Center for Research and Community Service, Institut Informatika Indonesia (IKADO) Surabaya. It presents articles on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) area that come from the results of empirical research or conceptual works.
Teknika has been accredited SINTA-3 (S3) by the decree of Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia No. 36/E/KPT/2019, 13 December 2019.
Perancangan Enterprise Architecture UNIPAS Morotai Menggunakan TOGAF ADM
Abstract views: 4360,
PDF downloads: 4290
Penerapan Metode Fuzzy Tsukamoto Dalam Pemilihan Siswa Teladan di Sekolah
Abstract views: 4486,
PDF downloads: 2585
Penerapan Optimasi Media Sosial Twitter Pada Website Penjualan Online Untuk Meningkatkan Jumlah Pengunjung
Abstract views: 593,
PDF downloads: 522
User Centered Design Dalam Evaluasi Game “Reinhart and the Great Gate”
Abstract views: 320,
PDF downloads: 359
Penguatan Ketepatan Pengenalan Wajah Viola-Jones Dengan Pelacakan
Abstract views: 865,
PDF downloads: 548
Faktor Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Online Marketplace Indonesia
Abstract views: 2486,
PDF downloads: 1601
Analisis Usability Menggunakan Metode USE Questionnaire Pada Website Ciputra Enterprise System
Abstract views: 6593,
PDF downloads: 3521
Pengembangan Sistem Student Relationship Management di Universitas Surabaya
Abstract views: 379,
PDF downloads: 347
Metode Fuzzy ID3 Untuk Klasifikasi Status Preeklamsi Ibu Hamil
Abstract views: 1211,
PDF downloads: 1047